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In the time before I accepted the Holy Spirit into my heart, I would hear people say “Being a Christian isn’t easy”. I could never fully grasp that concept. How could having something so powerful to believe in possibly be difficult? I had always considered myself a “Christian”, but what did that really mean. I rarely went to church, I didn’t even own a bible, and I was living life on Mason’s terms. Regardless of what I did, I always felt like something was missing. The answer was always right in front of me, calling me, but I ignored it chasing a life full of material possessions and idols. Then at my lowest point, the Holy Spirit filled my heart. Instantaneously I understood. I had been running from the greatest gift, a life with Jesus Christ. As I began to grow in my faith, It started to make sense why being a Christian isn’t easy.

When the Holy Spirit is driving your life you have a heightened awareness of the temptations Satan uses to deceive you. You see his cunning work unfold all around you. For me, I saw all of the lies I had believed. It was everywhere. Everything I thought I had ever wanted was deception: The money, the power, the possessions, the “life”. It was prevalent in advertising, the media, social media, and even throughout literature. Advertising agencies perfected the art of stimulating our minds to thirst for the accumulation of material possessions. The media portrays the lives of “heros” who have amassed incredible fortunes, playboy lifestyles, and success. Literature such as self help books provide a “guide” to accomplishing everything we had ever dreamed of. Everything was focused around one major lie: idols. Satan cunningly convinced society that life is based around the human ideology of success. If we are able to accomplish everything we have ever desired, why would we need God? It creates complacency, which is Satan’s greatest weapon. It completely undermines God’s sovereignty. God has a plan for us all, we must trust that, and not fall victim to the lies of the ruler below. 

This was the path I was on, but as the Lord worked within me, that life completely lost its luster. A life with money and success no longer mattered. I felt God calling me to something so much greater. Something much bigger than earthly satisfaction and success. He was calling me to a life serving His Kingdom.

“But whatever was my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss for the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things” -Philippians 3:7-8

To count ALL things as loss. What a blessing it is to have the opportunity to serve our loving and gracious God. There is truly no greater gift in the world. The things of earth no longer matter, my life belongs to The Lord. I am so thrilled to serve the kingdom and follow this incredible path He has led me on. Will it be difficult? Of course, Satan’s army battles relentlessly to prevent God’s children from growing in their faith. That will probably be the greatest challenge I face in my life, but I am in God’s hands. Our loving, caring, powerful God. I am a solider for the Kingdom. These next 4 months couldn’t go by fast enough! and The countdown to the launch begins!


“He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty,
I will say to the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust.”
Surely he will save you from the fowlers snare and from deadly pestillence,
He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge,
His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.” – Psalm 91: 1-4